Principal Based Market Making
SumRidge Partners leverages its own balance sheet to make markets on roughly 10,000 unique cusips, executing well over a thousand trades a day, and providing our advisors with instant bid/offer liquidity. Given that we commit our own capital to the markets and hold our own inventory of bonds, there are no middleman markups (as seen through other agency based models), trading is instantaneous, and clients have a greater chance of receiving best price execution. SumRidge currently ranks among the top liquidity providers for odd lot trading on most major electronic bond exchanges, including Creditex Securities Corp, Tradeweb Direct, TMC, and Bloomberg ALLQ. All trades executed with SumRidge Partners clear through Pershing.
Trade Away Accommodations
To place a trade away order with SumRidge, advisors must contact their trade away desk at their custodial firm. The process is simple to set up and provides clients with access to a larger inventory of bonds, greater transparency into the market, and additional trading desk resources for market intelligence.