The SumRidge Advisor Services desk was created to specifically cater to the needs of the independent financial advisor, by providing professional sales coverage, strategic market commentary, tactical investment ideas, and superior trading execution on a daily basis. Our experienced team is focused exclusively on fixed income, which allows us to be experts in our field. Many of the advisors we cover had previously been associated with large bulge bracket firms, where they had access to trading desk intelligence. SumRidge Advisor Services helps make the transition into the independent community as seamless as possible by providing direct access to instant trading liquidity, as well as ongoing market dialogue from our traders and analyst. SumRidge currently ranks among the top liquidity providers for odd lot trading on most major electronic bond exchanges, including Creditex Securities Corp, Tradeweb Direct, TMC, and Bloomberg ALLQ. In addition to best execution capabilities, our advisors also receive daily and weekly commentary direct from our trading desk, highlighting trends in the markets. In essence, we provide a cost-effective, turn-key fixed income trading solution to the wealth management industry. With SumRidge Advisor Services, advisors are equipped with the tools they need to grow their business, affording them more time with their clients.